“Fully understanding the strategy and the competition before conceptual design is critical.” (Ch. 5, Page 8)
The competition for Martinelli’s Cider mainly consists of low-cost store-specific brands such as the one offered by Fresh & Easy, but recently, another brand of cider has entered the market. Welch’s Sparkling Grape Cider has grown in popularity over the last couple of years, becoming the company’s major competitor. Welch’s offers numerous juice products, as well, competing with the company.
Welch’s advertising is primarily aimed at promoting their juice to children through their mothers, identifying itself as being tasty, healthy, 100% juice. This wholesome image of the brand carries over to their other products. Martinelli’s juice offers the same benefits, and has its share in the same demographic. However, there is one thing that Martinelli’s offers which Welch’s does not. It has been established as a celebratory, fun brand, served at New Year, weddings, and other special events. The strategy is to promote this aspect to the young demographic, telling them that life can be made interesting and exciting through Martinelli’s, while mentioning the health benefits in the copy of the ad below the slogan.
“A brand or group embodies something: ethics, humanitarianism, preservation, coolness, fun, family values, respectability, excitement, energy, novelty, inventiveness, cutting-edge research, healthful living, an active lifestyle, etc.” (Ch. 4, Page 11) What Martinelli’s embodies is celebration. It achieves a bright, happy emotional connection with its market without letting go of the value of healthy living.
“People are 80 percent emotional, 20 percent rational. Reason leads to conclusions. Emotion leads to action.” (Ch. 4, Page 16) A major strength of the campaign is the fact that it will appeal to that 20% logic while still letting the emotional aspect dominate the brand image. The ad will place the health aspect in people’s minds, but allow the fun to do the work of getting them to buy.
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